word rate (€ 0.12 – €0.18 + VAT)
This rate is based on the hourly rate of € 76 + VAT and applies if the work is done within normal working hours . It depends on the lay-out requirements as well as on the degree of simple and/or repetitive words used. The lowest rate typically applies to larger assignments if no rush is required.
flat rate (€ 55 / € 40 + VAT)
This applies to official standard documents with a specific lay-out, such as diplomas and certificates (including a list of grades). In the event of multiple documents, the higher price applies to the first document, and the lower price to each subsequent document.
minimum rate (€ 35 + VAT)
This is applicable to small, simple translation assignments (up to approx. 250 words).
revision price (€ 76/hr + VAT)
The price for revising English texts is calculated on the basis of the hourly rate. For a ‘standard’ revision, the revision speed is typically 1500 words per hour. This includes a check of spelling, grammar, style, and content.
rush rate (+ 50%)
This is applicable to the fastest turnaround option, which may require extra work after business-hours (50% overtime premium as compared to the standard rate).