entertainment & hospitality sector
British theatre

British theatre
American theater

American theater
Ned. | BrE | AmE |
afhaalmaaltijd (food, note 21) | take-away food | takeout food |
afhaalrestaurant (food, note 21) | take-away (restaurant) | takeout* |
althobo, Engelse hoorn (note 7) | (usually:) cor anglais, (also:) horn | (usually:) English horn* (zie ook: BBI) |
alternatieve theatercircuit | fringe | off-Broadway |
artistiekerig, quasi-artistiek | arty, arty-farty (OALD) | artsy, artsy-fartsy (OALD) |
autocue | autocue | TelePrompter |
balkon (in theater) (note 9) | (also:) circle (OALD) | balcony*, mezzanine |
balkon (eerste ..., theater), (note 9) | dress circle | first balcony |
balkon (tweede ..., theater), (note 9) | upper circle | upper balcony |
barkeeper | bartender*, barman* | barkeep(er) |
bazar, braderie | fête, fair (village/school/church ...) | carnival |
belprogramma | phone-in | call-in |
bioscoop ((note 6)) | cinema* | movie theater, movie house |
bioscoopbezoeker | cinema-goer, film-goer (OALD) | movie goer, theater goer |
bokkenfeest ((note 12)) | stag night, stag party | bachelor party |
buffetpiano (note 7) | stand-up piano | upright piano |
caféhouder, kroegbaas | publican | saloon-keeper, .... |
cameo | courtesy appearance | cameo appearance |
catwalk (note 10) | catwalk | runway |
ceremoniemeester | compère, master of ceremonies* | master of ceremonies*, MC*, emcee |
clue (van een grap) | punchline* | (also:) tag line |
concertmeester (note 5) | (also:) leader | concert master* |
contrabas (zie ook: BBI) | double bass (fiddle)* | bass fiddle |
dirigent (zie ook: BBI) | conductor* | conductor, (also:) leader |
dirigeren (zie ook: BBI) | conduct (an orchestra)* (zie ook: BBI) | (also:) lead, direct (an orchestra) |
dorpsfeest, volksfeest (note 8) | fete | village fair |
draaimolen, mallemolen (note 4) | (also:) roundabout, giddy-go-round | merry-go-round* (zie ook: BBI) |
engelenbak (theater), (note 9)) | the gods | peanut gallery |
étude | (also:) study | étude |
evenementenhal/-centrum | exhibition centre | civic center |
feesttent | marquee | party tent* |
film | film* | movie* |
filmcamera (zie ook: BBI) | cine-camera | motion-picture camera |
filmprojector (zie ook: BBI) | film projector*, (also:) cine-projector | motion-picture projector |
fluitist, fluitspeler | flautist | flutist |
foyer (in hotel of bioscoop) | foyer* | lobby |
fruitautomaat (zie ook: BBI) | (also:) fruit machine | slot machine*, one-armed bandit* |
garderobe, vestiaire | cloakroom, (ook: toilet), wardrobe* | checkroom, coat check, coatroom |
garderobejuffrouw | cloakroom attendant, wardrobe atendant* | hat check girl |
gastenboek (hotel...) | visitors' book | (hotel) register* |
gekostumeerd bal (note 2) | fancy dress (party) | costume party |
grabbelton | lucky dip | grab bag |
grammofoon, platenspeler (zie ook: BBI) (note 12) | gramophone*, record palyer*, turntable* | (ook:) phonograph |
halve noot (note 1) | minim | half note |
halve toon | semitone | half step |
handpop (zie ook: BBI) | glove puppet | hand puppet |
hele noot (note 1) | semibreve | whole note |
hele toon | tone | whole step |
herhaling (sportuitzending) (zie: BBI) | action replay | instant replay |
herkenningsmelodie | signature tune | theme song |
hotelreceptie | reception | (front) desk, lobby |
hotelreceptionist(e) | reception clerk, receptionist | room clerk |
hulpkelner, commis de rang | commis (waiter) | busboy |
inchecken (bij hotel) | book in | check in |
jacuzzi, bubbelbad | Jacuzzi* | (also:) spa |
kantine | (self-service) canteen | cafetaria |
kermis (note 8) | funfair | carnival, (fairground) |
koffiekraampje (food, note 21) | coffee-stall | street coffee stand |
kroegentocht | pub crawl | bar hopping |
kunstgalerij (zie ook: BBI) | (usually:) art gallery | art museum |
kwartnoot (note 1) | crotchet | quarter note |
laatste ronde | (usually:) last orders | last call* |
Leidscheplein | (cf.) West End | (cf.) Broadway |
logies zonder maaltijden | room only | European plan |
maat (muziek ...) | bar | measure |
molentje (kinderspeelgoed) | windmill | pin wheel |
mondharmonica | mouth organ | harmonica |
museumgids | museum guide* | docent |
naturisme (body, note 10) | naturism | nudism |
naturist (body, note 10) | naturist | nudist |
nieuwslezer | newsreader, (presenter) | anchor(wo)man, newscaster |
noot (muziek...) | note | tone |
notenbalk | (also:) stave | staff* |
ober (zie: serveerster) (note 21) | waiter* | (also:) server |
opbelprogramma (tv/radio) (zie ook: BBI) | phone-in programme | call-in program |
optocht, corso | (also:) carnival | parade* |
ouvreuse, plaatsaanwijzer | usher / usherette | usher (male/female) |
overgangstoon (muziek) | passing note | passing tone |
pakje kaarten | pack of cards* | (also:) deck of cards |
pauze (theatervoorstelling) (zie BBI) | (also:) interval | intermission* |
piccolo (transport, note 60) | pageboy, porter* | bellboy*, bellhop |
pickupnaald (zie ook: BBI) | gramophone needle | phonograph needle |
pierebadje | paddling pool | wading pool |
platenspeler (zie: grammofoon) (zie: BBI) | -------- | --------- |
praatprogramma | (also:) chat show | talk show* |
presentator (show/quiz/etc.) | presenter, compère | emcee, MC |
prijslijst (hotel...) | tariff | schedule of charges |
primetime TV (zie ook: BBI) | peak time, peak viewing time TV | prime time TV |
quizmaster (zie ook: BBI) | question master | quizmaster |
repertoiregezelschap (toneel...) | stock company | repertory company |
reuzenrad (zie ook: BBI) | Ferris wheel*, (also:) big wheel | Ferris wheel* |
rotje (vuurwerk) (zie ook: BBI) | (ook:) banger | firecracker* |
samenzang, zangbijeenkomst | (also:) sing-song | singalong* |
schoonheidssalon | beauty salon | beauty parlor, beauty shop |
serpentine | streamer | ticker-tape |
serveerster (zie: ober) ((note 11)) | waitress* | (also:) server |
shanty, zeemansliedje | shanty, sea shanty | chanty, chantey |
sommelier | wine waiter | wine steward |
sopraanblokfluit ((note 7)) | descant recorder | soprano recorder |
souffleurshokje (zie ook: BBI) | prompt box | prompter's box |
speeldoos | musical box | music box |
spookhuis (op kermis) | ghost train | fun house |
stalles (in theater), ((note 21)) | stalls, orchestra stalls, front seats | orchestra (seats) |
straatmuzikant | busker | street musician*, transient musician |
suikerspin | candy floss | cotton candy |
suppoost (museum) | museum keeper | museum guard |
theaterprogramma | programme | playbill, program |
theaterproducent | producer, director | director* |
theaterregisseur | (theatrical) manager | (theater) producer |
ti (noot op toonladder) | te | ti |
tokkelen (op gitaar/viool) (zie ook: BBI) | pluck (the strings / at the strings)* | pick (cf. strum the guitar*) |
trailer, preview, promotiefilm | trailer | preview |
tv-presentator | TV presentor | anchor, emcee (?) |
uitsmijter | (also:) chucker-out | bouncer* |
vakantieganger | holiday maker | vacationer |
vakantieperiode | the holiday season | the tourist season |
variété | variety, (also:) music hall | vaudeville* |
variététheater | music hall, variety theatre | vaudeville theater |
ventielhoorn (note 7) | (also:) horn | French horn* |
vrijgezellenfeest,bokkenfuif,hengstenbal ((note 12)) | stag night | bachelor party |
vrijgezellenfeest, geitenfuif | hen night | bachelorette party |
vuurrad (soort vuurwerk) | (usually:) Catherine wheel | (meestal:) pin wheel |
vuurwerk afsteken (zie ook: BBI) | set off firework*, (also) let off firework | (also:) shoot off fireworks |
wassenbeeldenmuseum | waxworks | wax museum |
zappen | zapping | channel surfing |
zingen (luider ...) | sing up | sing out |