body & health care

(AmE) medicare

(AmE) medicare
Ned. | BrE | AmE |
aambeien | (also:) piles | hemorrhoids* |
aardbeivlek, frambozenvlek (zie ook BBI) | (vooral:) strawberry mark | birthmark* |
ademhalen, op adem komen | draw breath | draw a breath |
afdelingszuster, (hoofdverpleegkundige) | (ward) sister, charge nurse (male) | head nurse, charge nurse* |
afslanken | slim | slim down, diet, be on a diet |
afte(n) (zweer in de mond) | (mouth) ulcer | canker sore |
aftershave | aftershave | after-shave lotion |
AIOS (zie: arts in opleiding ...) | ------- | --------- |
ambulancebroeder (note 5) | ambulance man | paramedic*, EMT*, medical technician |
anesthesist | anaesthetist | anesthesiologist |
apotheek (zie ook BBI) | pharmacy*, chemist's (shop) | (drugstore), pharmacist* |
apotheker (note 1) | (also:) (dispensing) chemist | pharmacist*, (also:) druggist |
arts in opleiding tot specialist, (AIOS) (note 3), arts-assistent, assistent-arts, assistent-geneeskundige | (per 2007) specialty registrar, specialist surgical trainee, (tot 2007) (hospital) registrar, (IrE: specialist registrar), junior doctor | resident (physician) |
bad laten vollopen (een ...) | run a bath (zie ook BBI) | draw a bath |
bad nemen (een), in bad gaan | have a bath | take a bath |
bakkebaarden | sideboards | sideburns |
beademingsapparaat (note 31) | see note 31 | see note 31 |
bedlegerig, aan bed gekluisterd | bedridden* | (also:) bedfast |
begrafenisondernemer (note 13d) | undertaker*, funeral director* | (also:) mortician |
beugel (bijv. voor been) | (splint) cal(l)iper | brace |
beugel (gebits ...) | brace | braces |
bijziend (note 8) | short-sighted | near-sighted, myopic |
blaasontsteking | cystitis | urinary tract infection |
blindedarmoperatie (zie ook BBI) | appendicectomy | appendectomy* |
blindengeleidehond | guide dog | Seeing Eye Dog |
bloedgroep | blood group* | (meestal:) blood type |
bloempotkapsel (note 6) | short back and sides | close haircut |
boertje laten doen (zie ook BBI) | to burp (a baby)* | (ook:) to bubble (a baby) |
brancardwagen (note 28), (rijdende brancard) | stretcher trolley, (wheeled) stretcher* | gurney* |
bril (note 21) (zie ook BBI) | glasses*, spectacles*, specs | (also:) eyeglasses |
buikpijn hebben (zie ook BBI) (note 25) | have/get stomachache | have/get a stomachache |
candidiasis (vaginale ...) (note 15) | thrush* | yeast infection |
chiropedie | (meestal:) chiropody* | (meestal:) podiatry* |
chiropedist, voetkundige/-verzorger | (meestal:) chiropodist* | (meestal:) podiatrist* |
chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom | ME | chronic fatigue syndrome* |
co-assistent (nog geen arts) (note 3) | (per 2007) foundation house officer, foundation-year doctor, (tot 2007) house officer, houseman | intern, first-year resident |
conditie (in .... blijven) | keep fit | stay in shape, stay physically fit |
condoom | condom*, (also:) sheath | (also:) prophylactic, rubber |
crematorium | crematorium* (zie OALD) | (also:) crematory |
dikke teen | great toe | big toe |
dokter (zie: huisarts) | ------ | ------ |
doodskist (note 13c) | (usually:) coffin* | (usually:) casket* |
Down syndroom | Down's syndrom | Down syndrom |
elektrocardiogram | ECG* | EKG |
elektroshocktherapie (zie ook BBI) | electro-convulsive therapy | electro-shock therapy |
fitnessclub, -centrum | sports centre | health club |
flesje (met injectievloeistof) | phial* | (also:) vial |
fopspeen (zie ook BBI) | comforter, dummy | (baby) pacifier |
fotografisch geheugen | eidetic memory | photographic memory* |
Franse rol (opgestoken haar) (note 6) | French pleat | French twist, French roll |
Franse vlecht (note 6) | French plait | French braid |
fysiotherapeut (zie ook BBI) | physiotherapist*, physio | physical therapist* |
fysiotherapie (zie ook BBI) | physiotherapy | physical therapy |
gehoorapparaat | deaf-aid | hearing aid |
gemillimeterd haar, (note 6), zie ook: kort geknipt haar | close crop | crew cut, brush cut |
gips (in het ...) | in plaster | in a plaster cast |
haarlak | hair lacquer | hair spray |
half brilletje, leesbril (note 21) | half-moon glasses | half glasses |
hamstringblessure | cramp | charley horse |
Hansaplast (zie ook BBI, zie: pleister) | (vergelijk) Elastoplast | (vergelijk) Band-Aid |
herenkapper (zie ook BBI) | barber's (shop) | barbershop |
hoestdrank | (also:) cough mixture | cough syrop*, cough medicine* |
hoofdverpleegkundige | ward sister, charge nurse*, matron | head nurse |
huisarts (zie OALD: physician), (zie ook BBI) | general practitioner, GP, doctor* | physician (zie OALD), family practitioner,(family) doctor |
huisartsenpraktijk, spreekkamer | (doctor's) surgery, general practice | doctor's office, physician's office |
huisbezoek (van arts) (zie ook BBI) | home visit | (usually) house call |
huisbezoeker (verpleegkundige), (zie ook BBI) (note 27) | (vgl) health visitor | community-heath nurse, public health nurse |
hypofyse | pituitary gland*, hypophysis* | (also:) master gland |
infuus | drip* | (also:) I.V. |
ingegroeide nagel (zie ook BBI) | (also:) ingrowing nail | ingrown nail* |
interne geneeskunde | general medicine | internal medicine |
internist | internal medicine specialist | internist |
kapper (heren...) (note 23) | hairdresser('s) | barber('s)* |
keelontsteking, keelpijn | sore throat*, (laryngitis, etc.) | (often:) strep throat |
keizersnede | Caesarean/-ian (section) | C-section, cesarean/-ian |
kiespijn hebben (note 25) | have toothache | have a toothache |
kinderwagen (note 17)(zie ook BBI) | pram | baby carriage, carriage, baby buggy |
kippenvel | goose-pimples*, gooseflesh* | goose bumps*, chill bumps |
klierkoorts, Ziekte v. Pfeiffer | (also:) glandular fever | mononucleosis*, mono |
koorts hebben | have (got) a temperature | have a fever |
koortsblaar (zie ook BBI) | cold sore* | (also:) fever blister |
kort geknipt haar (note 6), zie ook: gemillimeterd haar | short back and sides | close haircut |
kraker, osteopaat, giropracticus | osteopath | chiropractor |
kramp (vooral stijfheid in arm/been), (vaak: hamstring) | cramp* | (also:) charley horse |
kramp hebben/krijgen (note 25), (zie ook BBI) | have/get cramp | have/get a cramp |
kreupel been (een) (zie ook BBI) | (ook:) a gammy leg | a game leg*, a bum leg |
kruis | crutch | crotch |
kruishulp, kruisverpleegkundige (zie BBI) | community nurse, district nurse | visiting nurse (note 27) |
krultang | curling tongs, tongs, crimper | curling iron |
kunstmatige beademing | (also:) artificial ventilation | artificial respiration* |
langetermijnszorg | long-stay (patient) care | long-term (patient) care |
liesstreek, kruis(streek) | crutch | crotch |
lijkkist (note 13c) | coffin* | casket |
lijkschouwer (note 14) | pathologist | medical examiner* |
lijkschouwing, sectie | post-mortem* | autopsy* |
lijkwagen (note 13b) | hearse*, funeral car*, funeral home car* | (also:) mortuary limousine, funeral parlor’s limousine, mortuary limousine |
lippenzalf, lippenbalsem | lip salve | lip balm, chap stick* |
logopedist | speech therapist | speech-language pathologist |
looprek (note 17) | walking frame, Zimmer (frame) | walker |
loopstel, looptuigje | baby walker | walker |
luier (zie ook BBI) | nappy | diaper |
luier verwisselen (zie ook BBI) | to swaddle a baby | to diaper a baby |
maandverband (zie ook BBI) | towel, sanitary towel, ST, (sanitary) pad* | pad, sanitary napkin, Pantyshield, Kotex |
manisch depressief | (also: manic depressive*) | bipolar* |
mank (zie: kreupel) | ----- | ------ |
ME | (also:) ME (OALD) | chronic fatigue syndrom (OALD) |
melktand (zie ook BBI) | (also:) milk tooth* | (ook:) baby tooth |
Ministerie van Volksgezondheid (note 7) | Department of Health (note 7) | Department of Health & Human Services (note 7) |
misselijk (note 20) (zie ook BBI) | sick, queasy* | sick to the stomach, nauseous* |
mond-op-mond beademing | kiss of life | mouth-to-mouth resuscitation |
mondhygiënist(e) | hygienist | (meestal:) dental hygienist |
mortuarium (note 13a) | mortuary | morgue |
nagelborstel | nail brush | hand scrub |
nagellak (zie ook BBI) | nail varnish | nail polish*, nail enamel |
naturisme (naturist/isch) (note 10) | naturism, (naturist) | nudism, (nudist) (note 10) |
O-benen (met ...) (note 9) | bandy-legged | bow-legged |
OK-verpleegkundige, (zie ook BBI) | (operating) theatre nurse, ODP, Operating Department Practitioner | scrub nurse, operating room nurse |
onder (dokters)behandeling | under the doctor | under the doctor's care |
onderschuifbed | truckle bed | trundle bed |
onhygiënisch | insanitary* | (also:) unsanitary |
ontsmettingsalcohol (note 3), (zie ook BBI) | isopropyl alcohol, surgical spirit* | (also:) rubbing alcohol, (denatured alcohol) |
ooghoek | tail of the eye | corner of the eye* |
oorpijn hebben/krijgen (note 25) (zie ook BBI) | have earache | have an earache |
operatiekamer (zie ook BBI) | operating theatre, theatre | operating room |
opkammen (haar ...) | backcomb | tease |
oplopen (een ziekte ...) (zie ook BBI) | go down with (pneumonia, etc.) | come down with (pneumonia, etc.)*, (IntE) contract, develop, get ...* |
opticien (gediplomeerd) (note 30) | (dispensing) optician, ophthalmic optician | optometrist* |
opvlieger (zie ook BBI) | hot flush | hot flash |
osteopaat (zie kraker) | ---- | ---- |
ouderdomsvlekken | (also:) grave marks | liver spots |
pacemaker | pacemaker* | (also:) pacesetter |
paracetamol (note 19) | paracetamol* | acetaminophen, Tylenol |
parfum | (also:) scent | perfume* |
parfumspuitje, verstuiver | scent spray | atomizer |
patholoog-anatoom | pathologist | medical examiner |
pink (zie ook BBI) | little finger* | (also:) pinkie (ook ScotE) |
pleister, wondpleister, Hansaplast (note 29) | (sticking) plaster, Elastoplast | Band-Aid* |
poliklinische afdeling, spoedeisende hulp | casualty (ward), A&E | emergency department/room, ER |
poliklinische geneeskunde | A&E medicine | emergency medicine |
pony (haardracht) (note 6) | fringe | bangs |
postnataal | post-natal | post-partum |
postnatale depressie | post-natal depression | post-partum depression |
praktijk (dokters...., tandarts....) (zie BBI) | surgery | office |
premenstrueel syndroom, (note 14) | pre-menstrual tension, PMT*, period drama | pre-menstrual syndrome, PMS |
prenataal (zie ook BBI) | antenatal* | prenatal* |
prik, injectie | jab | shot*, injection |
prikkeldraad (figuurlijk m.b.t. de pols) | Chinese burn | Indian burn |
privékliniek (zie ook BBI) | private hospital | proprietary hospital |
puistje | spot* | zit, pimple* |
recept (op ...) | on prescription | by prescription |
reddingsvlucht, gipsvlucht | mercy flight | medevac flight |
reiswieg (zie ook: wieg) (note 16) | carry-cot, (Moses basket) | portable bassinet, infant carrier |
reisziekte | (also:) travel sickness | motion sickness* |
revalidatie | rehabilitation | physical medicine, rehab medicine |
rolstoel | wheeled chair, invalid's chair, bathchair | wheelchair |
rouwkamer (note 13a) | funeral parlour, funeral home* | funeral parlor, (also:) mortuary |
ruggenmergprik, (lumbaal)punctie | lumbar puncture | spinal tap |
rugpijn hebben (note 25) | have backache | have a backache |
sanatorium | sanatorium* | (also:) sanitorium |
sauna en gym, 'wellnesscentrum' | health farm | health spa |
scheelziend, (exoforisch) | skelly-eyed, (wall-eyed) | squint-eyed |
scheermes (zie ook BBI) | cutthroat razor | straight razor |
scheerschuim | shaving-foam | shaving cream |
scheiding (in het haar) | parting | part |
schoonheidssalon (zie ook BBI) | beauty salon | beauty parlor*, beauty shop |
slaaptablet/-pil | (also:) sleeping tablet | sleeping pill* |
slaapziekte | sleepy sickness | sleeping sickness |
slabbetje | feeder | (child's) bib* |
SOA, (seksueel overdraagbare ziekte) | VD, (venereal disease) | STD, (sexually transmitted disease) |
sonde (tandheelkundig) | (dental) probe* | (dental) explorer |
spatel | (doctor's) spatula | tongue depressor |
specialist (medisch ...), (note 3) | (also:) consultant | (medical) specialist*, attending physician |
specialist in opleiding (note 3) | registrar | resident doctor |
speen | teat | nipple |
spiraaltje (voorbehoedsmiddel) | (also:) cap | diaphragm* |
sponsbad, wasbeurt aan bedlegerige | bed bath, blanket bath | sponge bath |
spreekkamer | surgery | doctor's (dentist's) office |
spreekuur | surgery hours | (doctor's/dentist's) office hours |
stekelhaar (note 6), zie ook: gemillimeterd haar | ----- | ----- |
stofkam (zie BBI, meestal figuurlijk) | fine-toothed comb | fine-tooth comb |
tandartsassistent(e) | dental nurse | dental assistant |
telefoonbotje | funny bone | crazy bone |
thuiszorgmedewerker (zie ook BBI) | home help | home health aide |
toilettas | sponge bag, wash bag, toilet bag* | toiletry kit |
touperen (haar ...) (zie ook BBI) | to backcomb (sb.'s hair) | to tease (sb.'s hair) |
toupé, haarstukje | toupee*, hairpiece* | (also:) rug, toup |
traumahelicopter, MMT-heli(copter) | air ambulance*, (also:) emergency medical helicopter | critical care helicopter, Medflight helicopter |
trommelvliesbuisje, 'buisje' in oor | grommet | (ventilation) tube |
uit huis plaatsen (een kind ...), uit huis geplaatst | take (a child) into care, in care | take custody of ( a child), in a foster home |
uitstrijkje | smear test, cervical smear | Pap smear, pap test |
verband | lint | surgical dressing |
verbandgaas(je), gaasverband | crepe bandage | gauze bandage |
verloskamer | confinement theatre | labor room |
verpleeghuis | nursing home* | private hospital, rest home |
verpleegkundige (HBO opleiding), (zie ook BBI) (note 27) | Sate Rergistered Nurse, hospital nurse, sister | registered nurse*, RN*, professional nurse |
verpleegkundige, verple(e)g(st)er, (MBO-niveau, (zie ook BBI) (note 27) | State Enrolled Nurse, (SEN), second level nurse, | practical nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse |
vijfling | quintuplet*, (also:) quin | (also:) quint |
vlecht (haarvlecht) (note 6) | plait | braid |
vlechtjes (note 6) | pigtails | braids |
voeding (het geven van een baby...) | feed ("6 feeds a day") | feeding ("6 feedings a day") |
vullen (gaatjes ...) | stop (teeth /a tooth) | fill (teeth / a tooth) |
vulling (in kies) | (also:) stopping | filling* |
vérziend (note 8) | long-sighted | far-sighted |
waarnemend arts | locum | replacement doctor |
wachtlijst | waiting list | wait list |
wandelwagentje (note 17) (zie ook BBI) | pushchair, buggy*, Baby Buggy | stroller* |
wasdoek | (face) flannel, facecloth | washcloth, wash rag |
wassen (zich ...) | have a wash | wash up |
watten | cotton wool | (absorbent) cotton, (cotton batting) |
wattenstaafje | cotton bud, safety swab | cotton swab*, Q-Tip |
weegschaal | scale | scales |
wieg (zie ook: reiswieg) (note 16) | cot | crib |
wiegendood | cot-death | SIDS, crib death |
wijkverple(e)g(st)er, (zie ook: kruishulp, kruisverpleegkundige (zie ook BBI) | district nurse, community nurse | visiting nurse |
wijkverpleegkunde, kruishulp (?) (zie BBI), (note 27) | health-visitor service | community-health nursing, public-health nursing |
wind (in het lichaam) | wind | gas |
zeep (stuk ...) | tablet of soap | bar of soap |
ziek (note 20) | ill*, sick (als bijv. naamwoord) | (usually:) sick |
ziek worden | fall ill | get sick |
ziekelijk, minnetjes | peaky | peaked |
ziekenappel (militair, zie ook BBI) | sick parade | sick call |
Ziekenfonds (note 1) | National Health Service (for all) | ± Medicaid, Medicare |
ziekenrapport (op ... gaan), zich ziek melden (militair, zie BBI) | go on sick parade | go on sick call |
ziekenzaal | hospital ward* | (also:) hospital room |
zielenknijper | shrink* | (also:) wig-picker |
zindelijk maken | house-train, | housebreak, potty train, |
zindelijk (zie ook BBI) | house-trained, | house-broken, |
zongebruind | (also:) sunburned, sunburnt | tanned* |
zonnebrandolie, zonnebrandcrème | sun cream, sun-filter cream | sunscreen, sun-tan lotion*, tanning cream |
zonnebril (note 21) | sunglasses* | (also:) shades |
zorgverlener (aan huis), thuishulp | carer | caregiver |
zorgverlener (in ziekenhuis, etc.) | care assistant, care worker | ---- |
zuigfles (zie ook BBI) | feeding bottle | baby bottle, nursing bottle |
zuigzoen | love bite (OALD) | hickey (OALD) |
zwanger worden (zie ook BBI) | (ook:) fall pregnant | get/become pregant* |
zwavel en stroop (Nicholas Nickleby) | brimstone and treacle | sulphur and molasses |