financiën, boekhouden & verzekering
(BrE) hole-in-the-wall

(BrE) hole-in-the-wall
(AmE) automated teller machine

(AmE) automated teller machine
Ned. | BrE | AmE |
aandeelhouder | shareholder* | stockholder |
aandeelhoudersvergadering (algemene...) | Annual General Meeting, AGM | annual meeting |
aandelen (note 21) | shares* | stocks |
aandelen (ingekochte/eigen ...) | own shares | treasury stock |
aandelentranche | tranche | block (of stock) |
aandelenkapitaal | share capital* | capital stock |
aansprakelijkheids/WA-verzekering | third-party insurance (zie ook: BBI) | liability insurance |
acceptgiro (zie giro) | ---- | --- |
accountantsbedrijf | accountancy firm | accounting firm |
accijns | excise duty | excise tax |
achterstallig(e) belasting, huur, loon, etc. | arrears of taxes, rent, pay, etc. | back taxes, rent, pay, etc. |
afbetaling (verkoop op ...), kopen op afbetaling | (sale) by instalments, hire purchase | installment plan/sales/buying, (sale) on installments |
afdingen | haggle* | (also:) dicker |
afschrijving (note 3) | (also:) writing off | depreciation*,amortization |
afschrijving van immateriële activa | depreciation | amortization* |
aftrekken (van de belasting) (note 11) | claim against tax | take as a deduction |
aftrekposten (zie: belastingvoordeel) | claims against tax, (tax) allowances | itemized deductions, (tax) deductions |
afzetten, te duur verkopen | overprice | gouge |
afzetterij | overpricing | gouging |
agio (note 1) | share premium | capital surplus, additional paid-in capital |
alimentatie (zie ook: BBI) | maintenance | alimony |
all-inprijs (zie: inbegrepen) | all-in price | package price |
AOW-pensioen | old-age/retirement pension | ± social security |
auto(kosten)vergoeding | (motor)car allowance | auto-expense allowance |
automatische afschrijving, automatische incasso/betaling | direct debit, standing order (=opdracht tot periodieke betaling) | automatic draft/payment, electronic funds transfer |
Autoriteit Financiële Markten, AFM | Financial Services Authority, FSA (before 1997: SIB) | ± Securities and Exchange, Commission, SEC |
balans (note 1) | balance sheet | statement of financial position |
bankbediende (zie ook: BBI) | cashier | (bank) teller |
bankbiljet (note 32) | banknote | bill |
bankcheque, bankwissel | banker's cheque, bank cheque | cashier's check, banker's draft |
bankcode (note 38) | sort code | routing number |
bankkosten | bank charges | service charge |
bankopdracht | banker's order | money transfer order |
bankpas | electron card | ------- |
bankrekening | bank account | banking account |
basisrentevoet | base rate | prime rate |
bedrijfsresultaat, winst (note 1) | profit | income |
Begrippenkader (note 1) | Statement of Principles | Conceptual Framework |
belastbaar | dutiable* | taxable* |
Belastingdienst(note 16) | Inland Revenue (Department), the Revenue | Internal Revenue (Service), IRS, the Treasury |
belastingschijf | band, slice, tranche | (tax) bracket |
belastingvoordeel/-vrijstelling | tax relief | tax benefit/-deduction/-exemption |
belastingvrije som, onbelastbaar inkomen | personal (tax) allowance*, (zie OALD) | personal exemption, standard deduction (OALD), personal (tax) deduction |
beleggingsfonds/-maatschappij | unit trust, authorised fund | mutual fund/trust, authorized fund |
beleggingsfonds/-maatschappij, (met veranderlijk kapitaal) (zie ook: BBI) | open-end investment company | open-end managed fund |
beroepsaansprakelijkheidsverzekering | professional indemnity insurance | malpractice insurance |
bestek (bouwbestek) | bill of quantity, (project brief) | cost estimate* |
bestekmaker | quantity surveyor | material appraiser |
bestuursverslag (note 1) | director's report | ± Form 10-K |
betaald, voldaan | put down, entered | charged |
betaalpasje, bank-/pinpas (zie ook: BBI) | banker's card, cheque card | credit card |
betalen met tegenzin | fork out*, shell out* | (also:) fork over |
beursintroductie | offer for sale | initial public offering |
beursvloer | trading floor* | pit |
boekjaar | financial year, tax year, accounting year | fiscal year* |
bouwvereniging | ± building society | ±savings and loan company |
brandkast, geldkluis, geldkist | strong box | safe(ty) deposit box |
brandstofaccijns, benzineaccijns | petroleum revenue tax | Federal Motor Fuels, Excise Tax |
bronbelasting, bronheffing | deductions (at source)*, (also:) stoppages | (also:) withholding tax |
Bruto Nationaal Produkt, BNP | Gross Domestic Product, GDP | Gross National Product, GNP |
BTW, omzetbelasting (note 17) | VAT | sales tax |
buitengewone posten | exceptional/extraordinary items | unusual items |
claimemissie | rights issue | rights offering |
classificatiebureau/-maatschappij | classification society | classification authority |
clearing bank, algemene bank | clearing bank | clearing house |
cliëntenrekening, kredietrekening | credit account | charge account |
commanditair vennoot | limited/dormant/sleeping partner | silent partner* |
commissionnairsfirma, (zie 'handel', note 2) | broking house | brokerage house |
Consumentenprijsindex, CPI | Retail Price Index, RPI | consumer price index, CPI |
contributie (voor vereniging) | subscription, subs | dues, (fees) |
controlestrookje, talon | counterfoil | (check) stub |
converteerbare obligatie | convertible loan stock | convertible bond |
couponrendement | coupon yield | coupon rate |
courtage | broking fee(s) | brokerage fee(s) |
creditnota (note 41) | credit slip, credit note, paying-in slip | credit receipt |
crediteur | creditor | payable, account payable* |
Damrak | cf. Lombard Street, the City | cf. Wall Street |
debetnota | debit note | debit receipt |
debiteur | debtor | receivable, account receivable* |
deelbetaling | part payment | partial payment |
dekking (verzekerings...) | (insurance) coverage | (insurance) cover |
dekkingsbewijs (zie: voorlopige polis) | cover note | binder |
dividendbewijs | dividend warrant | dividend check |
doorberekening (van kosten) | pass-through* | pass-along |
doorrekenen van de cijfers, rekenen, "de sommetjes maken" (note 40) | crunch the numbers* | (ook:) crank the numbers |
Douanedienst | Customs*, Customs and Excise | (also:) US Customs Service |
dubieuze lening | impaired loan | doubtful loan |
effectief rendement (over totale looptijd) | yield to redemption | yield to maturity |
eigen risico (bij verzekering) | excess | deductible |
eigen vermogen (note 1) | owned capital | equity capital, owner's equity |
eigen vermogen (van vennootschap) | shareholders' funds | shareholders' equity, stockholders' equity |
extra belasting | supertax | surtax |
factuur | invoice* | bill* |
faillissement, (law, note 26) | bankruptcy (of persons), liquidation (of businesses) | bankruptcy (persons/businesses), Chapter 7 (note 26) |
faillissement (gedwongen ...) | compulsory winding up | involuntary bankruptcy |
financieel directeur | Financial Director | Chief Financial Officer, CFO |
financiële afdeling (van groot bedrijf) | counting house | finance department |
financieren | (ook:) foot the bill | (ook:) bankroll |
financieringsmaatschappij | (also:) finance house (OALD) | finance company* |
fiscaal belasten | charge (something) to tax | impose tax (on sth.) |
fraudeverzekering, integriteitverzekering | fidelity guarantee | guaranty insurance, fidelity insurance |
gekruiste cheque | crossed cheque | third-party check, for deposit only |
geldautomaat (zie ook: BBI) (note 62) | cash dispenser, Cashpoint, cash machine* (IntE), hole in the wall | automated teller machine, ATM*, instant teller, cash point, (also:) money-access machine |
geldklopperij, geldverspilling | ------ | boondoggle |
geldwissel (zie: postwissel) | -------- | ------- |
gemeentebelasting (note 36) | council tax (na 1993), (tot 1993: community charge, poll tax) | city tax, local tax |
gemeenteobligatie | local authority bond | municipal bond |
getallenkraken (zie: doorrekenen) (note 40) | number crunching | number cranking |
gevarengeld | danger money (zie OALD) | danger pay, hazard pay (zie OALD), hazardous duty money |
gewone aandelen(note 1)(zie ook: BBI) | ordinary shares | common stock |
gierig | close, cheap, stingy* | mean, chintzy |
gireren, (giraal) overboeken (note 39) | transfer by giro | transfer, make a wire transfer |
giro (note 39) | giro | wire transfer, (credit transfer system) |
goedkoop, niet duur (note 9) | cheap* | inexpensive |
gouden handdruk | golden handshake | golden parachute |
hefboomwerking (note 1) | gearing | leverage* |
hypotheekbank, bouwfonds | building society | mutual association, thrift, savings and loans (association), building and loan association |
hypotheekverzekering | mortgage protection insurance | mortgage insurance |
inbegrepen (zie: all-inprijs) | all-in | all-inclusive* |
inboedel- en opstalverzekring, | buildings and contents insurance, household insurance | home owner's insurance, |
incassomedewerker, schuldinner | debt collector* | (ook:) bill collector |
indexfonds (?) | (also:) tracker fund | index fund* |
ingehouden loon | building society | savings and loan company |
ingehouden winst | retained profit | retained earnings |
inschrijving (i.v.m. aanbesteding) | tender | bid |
inschrijver (i.v.m. aanbesteding) | tenderer | bidder |
investeringsbank | issuing house | investment bank |
inzetprijs (bij veiling) | reserve price | upset price |
jaarrekening (note 1) | annual accounts | (annual) financial statements* |
kapitaaloverdrachtsbelasting | capital transfer tax, CTT | estate and gift taxes |
kasbediende (bij bank/post) | cashier | teller* |
kassa | till | cash register*, checkout*, checkpoint* |
klantenpas, klanten(krediet)kaart | (also:) charge card (zie ook: BBI) | credit card* (IntE) |
klapper (een ... maken) | hit/strike gold | strike paydirt |
klimhypotheek | graduated payment mortgage | jeep mortgage |
kluisje (geld ...) | strongbox | safe(ty) deposit box |
koers/winstfactor (van aandeel), koers/winstverhouding | price/earnings ratio, P/E ratio, PER | price/earnings multiple |
kost verdienen (de ...) (zie ook: BBI) | (also:) get a living | earn/make a living* (IntE) |
kredietbeoordelaar/-informatiebureau | commercial/mercantile agency | credit agency |
kredietbeoordeling | credit appraisal | credit analysis |
kredietfaciliteit/-limiet, (op rekening-courant) (note 45) | overdraft, O/D | overdraft protection, bank loan, line of credit |
kredietrekening (bij winkel/leverancier) | credit account | charge account |
kruisen (een cheque ...) | (also:) cross a cheque | endorse* a check |
langlopende overheidsobligaties | longs | long-term securities |
latente belasting(verplichting) | deferred tax | deferred income tax |
levensverzekering (note 8) | life assurance | life insurance* |
lidmaatschapsgeld, contributie | subscriptions, subs | dues, (fees) |
liquidatiedag, dag van afrekening | account day | settlement day |
liquidatiewaarde (gedwongen verkoop) | forced-sale value | liquidation value |
liquide middelen | liquid assets, liquid funds | liquidities |
loonbelasting (note 15) | wage (withholding) tax*, income tax, (also:) pay-as-you-earn, PAYE | payroll tax, witholding tax* (IntE), pay as you go |
loonzakje (zie ook: BBI) | wage packet, pay packet | pay check, pay envelope |
makelaarsfirma (zie: commissionnairs) | broking house | brokerage house* |
materiële vaste activa (note 1) | tangible fixed assets | property, plant, and equipment |
Minister van Financiën (note 20) | Chancellor of the Exchequer | Secretary of the Treasury |
Ministerie van Financiën (note 20) | the Treasury, (the) Exchequer | Department of the Treasury |
motorrijtuigenbelasting (zie ook: BBI) | motor insurance | automobile insurance |
naasting, onteigeningsrecht | compulsory purchase | eminent domain |
nachtkluis | night safe* | night deposit(ory) |
negatieve balans | adverse balance | negative balance |
netto-winst, netto resultaat, zuiver-/netto-inkomen (note 1) | net profit after tax, profit for the financial year | (net) earnings, net income |
niet-aflosbaar | irredeemable | non-redeemable |
niet-uitkeerbare reserves | undistributable reserves, capital reserve | restricted surplus |
nominale waard, parikoers/-waarde | nominal value, face value | face value, par value, stated value |
obligatie (bedrijfs-) | debenture | corporate bond |
offerte, prijsopgave (note 10) | quotation | estimate, quote |
omzet (note 2) | turnover* | revenues*, sales* |
omzetbelasting | value-added tax, VAT, turnover tax | sales tax |
onderpand (bij geldlening / bank) | (also:) cover | collateral security* |
onroerend-zaakbelasting, OZB (gemeentelijk) | council tax, community charge, business rates, "the rates" | (local) property tax |
onstuimige handel | roaring trade | rushing trade |
ontbindende voorwaarde | resolutive condition | resolutory condition |
onteigeningsrecht (vgl. "naasting") | compulsory purchase | eminent domain |
ontslagbriefje, de zak (krijgen) (note 29) | (also:) P45 | (also:) pink slip |
ontslaguitkering (zie ook: BBI) | redundancy pay | severance pay |
onvoldoende saldo (zie ook: BBI) | refer to drawer, RD | insufficient funds |
opeisbaar (direct ...) | (also:) at call | on demand*, on call |
overboeken, overmaken (zie: gireren) | ----- | ---- |
overbruggingskrediet | bridging loan | bridge loan |
overdrachttaks, (ong.:) schenkingsrecht | capital-transfer tax (zie ook: BBI) | -------- |
overheadkosten, algemene kosten, vaste lasten, indirecte kosten | overhead (costs), overhead expenditure | overheads, overhead costs |
pensioen (met ...) | retirement* | (also:) retiral |
pensioen (voorziening) | superannuation | (retirement) pension |
pensioenplan (note 18) | superannuation/pension scheme | pension plan |
persoonlijke lening | consumer credit | installment credit |
pinpas (zie: betaalpasje) (zie ook: BBI) | cash card, banker's car, cheque card | ATM card, (banking card) |
platzak (volledig ..., spreektaal) | (stony) broke | (flat) broke* (OALD) |
poen | dosh, lolly | dough |
portefeuille (note 27) | wallet*, notecase | billfold*, pocket notebook, folding wallet, pocketbook |
portemonnee (note 27) | purse | money/coin/change purse, money pouch |
positieve discriminatie | equal opportunities programme | affirmative action |
postwissel, geldwissel | postal order, PO | money order |
preferent aandeel (zie ook: BBI) | preference share | preferred stock |
President van de Centrale Bank | Governor (of the Bank of England) | Chairman (of the Fed. Reserve Board) |
prijscompensatie | cost-of-living allowance | cost-of-living adjustment |
registeraccountant | ± Chartered Accountant, CA | ± certified public accountant, CPA |
rekening (in een restaurant) | bill | check, tab |
rekening (op ..., i/e winkel) (zie ook: BBI) | credit account | charge account |
rekening courant (note 10) | current account, (cheque account), (running account) | checking account, (CanE: chequing -) |
respijtdagen, respijtperiode | days of grace | grace period |
salarisadministrateur | payroll administrator | payroll clerk |
salarisschaal | (also:) pay spine | salary/pay scale* |
salarisverhoging | pay rise | pay raise |
samenstelling (van jaarrekening) | (preparation of financial statements) | compilation |
schadebeperking | damage limitation* (zie OALD) | (usually:) damage control |
schijntje, fooitje | ----- | hay, peanuts, chump change, birdseed |
slepen (note 1) | teeming and lading | lapping |
sluitnota (bewijs voorlopige verzekering) | cover note | insurance binder |
sluiten van de koop | completion | settlement, closing |
smeergeld, steekpenningen | (also:) backhander | (also:) kickback, bribe* |
sociale dienst (medewerker van de ...) | benefit officer | welfare officer* |
sociale lasten | national insurance contributions | social security taxes |
sociale uitkering/voorziening (note 7) | social security benefit | welfare (benefit), entitlement |
sofinummer (note 5)), (Burger Service Nummer) | ± national insurance number, NI (zie OALD) | ± social security number, SSN (zie OALD) |
solvabiliteitsratio | capital (adequacy) ratio | solvency ratio |
spaar(bank)boekje | paying-in book/slip | pay check, pay envelope |
spaarbrief, spaarcertificaat, spaarbewijs | savings certificate | certificate of deposit, CD, savings bond |
spaarpot | money box | (money)bank |
spaarrekening | deposit account | savings account, time account/-deposit |
staafgrafiek | bar chart | bar graph |
stapel bankbiljetten | wedge (of notes), a sheaf of notes | a wad of bills |
stockdividend, | bonus/scrip/capitalisation issue | stock dividend |
storten (geld ...) | pay in | deposit |
storting | (also:) lodg(e)ment | deposit* |
stortingsbewijs | paying-in slip, credit slip | (bank) deposit slip |
successierechten (note 36), (zie ook: BBI) | (death duty), inheritance tax* (IntE), (succession duty), estate duty | estate tax, (verouderd: death tax*) |
surseance (krijgen) (law, note 26) | go into administration | file Chapter 11 |
systeembank (zie: clearing bank) | ---------------- | -------------- |
taxateur (onroerend goed) | valuer*, surveyor | appraiser |
taxatie | valuation | appraisal* |
taxeren (onroerend goed) | value, valuate | appraise |
tegoed (nog ...) | (also:) owing | outstanding* |
termijndeposito | term deposit | time deposit |
tweede hypotheek | second mortgage* | remortgage, home equity loan |
uitbesteden | contract out* | outsource* |
uitgaven (boekhoudkundig) | outgoings | expenditures |
uitgebreide-gevarenverzekering | extended cover insurance | multiple peril insurance |
uitkering (van een ... leven) | be/live on benefits | be/live on welfare |
uitkeringen (zie: sociale ...) | benefits | entitlements |
ui)lenen | lend* (to) | (also:) loan (to) |
vakantiegeld | holiday pay | vacation pay |
vals bankbiljet, vals briefje | forged note | counterfeit bill |
valutahandelaar | currency- / foreign exchange dealer | currency / foreign exchange trader |
variabele hypotheek | variable rate mortgage | adjustable rate mortgage |
variabel(e) rente(percentage) | floating rate | variable rate |
vaste activa (note 1) | fixed assets | non-current assets* |
vennootschapsbelasting | corporation tax | (corporate) income tax |
verbeteringsheffing | betterment levy | improvement assessment |
vereniging voor onderlinge bijstand | friendly society (zie ook: BBI) | mutual-aid society |
verlies- en winstrekening | profit and loss account | income statement |
vermogensbelasting (vgl. OZB) | wealth tax | net worth tax |
vertegenwoordiger, handelsreiziger | commercial traveller | traveling salesman |
verzekerde som | sum assured | face amount |
verzekeringgsdekking | cover | coverage |
verzekeringsdekking (voorlopige ...) | cover note | binder |
verzekeringsexpert, schade-expert (note 44) | (claims) assessor, loss adjuster (zie OALD) | (claims) adjuster, claims examiner, insurance adjuster (zie OALD) |
verzekeringsuitkering | (insurance) pay-out | (insurance) award/-settlement |
verzilveren (van een cheque) | encash (a cheque) | cash (a check) |
volksverzekering(en) | national insurance | ± social security |
voorkeursrecht, recht van eerste koop (?) | pre-emption (rights) | pre-emptive rights |
voorlopige polis, dekkingsbewijs | cover note | binder |
voorrijkosten | call-out charge | house call charge |
voorziening, reserve (boekhoudkundig) | provision | allowance, (also:) accrual |
vraagprijs | asking price* | (also:) asked price |
WAO-uitkering | incapacity benefit | disability benefit* |
WA-verzekering (zie: aanspr. verz.) | third-party insurance (zie ook: BBI) | liability insurance |
werkelijke kosten | outturn | actuals* |
werkkapitaal | floating capital, working capital* | current capital |
Wet Financiële Dienstverlening (Wfd) | Financial Services Act (since 1-3-2004) | Insiders Trading Sanctions Act |
winst- en verliesrekening (note 1) (note 51) | profit and loss account, P&L a/c, (income and expenditure account) | income statement, earnings statement, statement of earnings (vergelijk: (persona) earnings statement = salarisspecificatie) |
winstreserve (note 1), ingehouden/onverdeelde winst | retained profit(s) | acquired surplus |
WOZ-waarde | annual value, (till 1990: rateable value) | assured value |
zakenbank | merchant bank (zie OALD) | investment bank (zie OALD) |
zakenbankier, investeringsbankier | merchant banker | investment banker, i-banker |
zakgeld (zie ook: BBI) | (usually:) pocket money* | (usually:) allowance |
zegelrecht, zegelbelasting | stamp duty | stamp tax |
zekerheid/waarborg/onderpand (zakelijk) | (also:) cover | collateral security |
zichtdeposito, direct opvraagbaar tegoed | sight deposit | demand deposit |
zichtrekening (vgl. rekening courant) | instant access account | demand account |